HEY! We only update this endless scroll showroom gallery once a month. Many items sell before updates - so CALL (360) 699-5626 to verify. Thank you!
LOCAL SALES ONLY - We only advertise online to make in-person sales. We do not ship any gear. We are an old school music shop that is here to provide to our local musicians.
5% discount on sales when paying with Bitcoin - Install the Strike App to get started.
Follow us on Nostr (npub) for latest updates...
or on these corporate gulags: Facebook Instagram
(we are impressed)
HEY! We only update this once a month. Many items sell before updates - so CALL (360) 699-5626 to verify.
OPEN 11-6 Mon-Sat
Map Link
LOCAL SALES ONLY - We only advertise online to make in-person sales. We do not ship any gear. We are an old school music shop that is here to provide to our local musicians.
5% discount on sales when paying with Bitcoin - If just starting out, try these apps to pay in BTC: Strike App, Cash App, Venmo.
Follow us on Nostr (npub) for latest updates... or on these corporate gulags: Facebook Instagram Need a Nostr App?
Looking for the hippest place to find local live gigs outside of the gulags? FLYERESCAPE.DAD
Want to escape the corporate streaming music gluags? List your music on WAVLAKE!
Thanks for reading.

Established summer of 1995 by Matt Brislawn (Briz) in Downtown Vancouver Washington USA